Project Innovation Lab

Sri Leo Muthu Innovation Centre (INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY )was created on 18th may 2018, Inaugurated by our honorable Chairman & CEO Shri Sai Prakash Leo Muthu. The main Goal of Sri Leo Muthu Innovation Center is used for scientific research that takes into many forms in the various fields of Information Technology. This innovation center facilitates… Continue reading Project Innovation Lab

Funded Projects

Funded Programmes

Department of information technology Organized one day seminar on Deep Learning Techniques in Healthcare Applications on 16.03.2020. Funding Agency: IEI Programme: Seminar on Deep Learning Techniques in Healthcare Applications Name of the Scheme: Seminar Grant Amount Sanctioned: Rs.10,000/- Period: 2109- 2020 The Department organized a National Conference on “Fuzzy Computation”(NCOFC’13) held on 27th November 2013.… Continue reading Funded Programmes


Consultancy Services